About us

Palumbo & Partners.
A professional association with a long history.

Palumbo & Partners is a professional association founded by Giorgio Palumbo in the 1970s, after significant experience acquired in Studio Guatri, where he started his professional career in 1966.

From the very beginning, the practice has been inspired by the highest standards of professionalism, reliability, independence and confidentiality, creating a relationship of deep-rooted trust with our clients, which is still our defining characteristic today.

The profession has evolved over the years, which has led the association to grow and expand, culminating in its current structure. Today it comprises professionals specialised in the different practice areas, who work with passion and dedication so that we can offer a complete range of services in the field of tax, accounting, business and administrative advisory services.

With over 50 years of professional activity behind us, we have built a solid model of professional advisory services and an important network of national and international relationships.

You can find us at our office in Milan.

You can find us at our office in Milan.